Saturday, September 12, 2009
Bigger bowls
My turned wood bowls are gonna get bigger! I just bought a Powermatic 3520B lathe. Oh, life has taken a turn for the better. Now I will be able to turn bowls up to 20 inches in diameter. I bought the lathe second-hand, new and still boxed and on the shipping pallet from a guy named Brian who won it in a contest sponsored by American Woodworker magazine. He makes Shaker-style furniture, and has no use for a great lathe. It weights 630 pounds, and I have no idea how I am going to get it off my trailer and into the garage.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
We celebrated 09.09.09 by having dinner with Mizuho. She is a Japanese exchange student who will be staying with us next spring. I probably should have taken a picture, but I figured I'd remember her bright smile.
By 9:09 PM we were listening to Tab Benoit rip up the night at the Blue Note. Tab is the best durn guitarist in the history of music. Period!
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