Monday, July 26, 2010

It's Tab time!

Tab Benoit was in town for the second time this year, and under no circumstances would we have missed a note. Tab was at his finest. Long, wailing guitar rifts. Mesmerizing drum solo. Thumpaliscious bass solo. And plenty of delta blues all night long. If you're looking for fun, Tab ain't no tart fresca; he always brings the party.


Twenty of us Columbia Rotary-Metro folks hopped on luxury coaches with 40 Chamber of Commercers and motored to St. Louis to watch the Cards whoop up on the Phillies. And whoop up they did. Below is the view from the private outdoor seating adjacent to our deliciously catered, open-bar party room. Oh, life is good. Life is good.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

hot hot hot

92 degrees F. 
94% humidity. 
A long afternoon hike.
100% exhausted dogs.

The dogs got water. 
We got ice cream. 
Sometimes sapience pays dividends.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Soybean Festival

Yesterday, Pat and I participated in the always surprising and fantastical Jaycees Annual Soybean Festival in Mexico, Missouri. What could be better than eating a potato tornado while listening to the wailings of The Next Mexico Idol contestants? As far as the soybeans, we saw none. Not even someone in a soybean costume. One of the best parts of the day was listening to the Ozark Mountains band Big Smith. From their bluesy "Go Away Maggie" and "Ain't Got Nobody" to the raw country of "Ride That Train," Mark, Jody, Rick and all sing with gumption to entertain.

It is no surprise that Pat set up camp within arm's reach of funnel cakes.

Porch turtle

I don't know about you, but we like to keep a porch turtle to give the porch light toad company. Amphibians get lonely. This lovely lady box turtle is an exchange student from the gulf, seeking a cleaner, quieter environment, and midwestern cultural exposure.

New tops

New granite countertops were installed in our kitchen this week, which gave me the opportunity to do the most pleasurable of all chores--plumbing. There ain't nothin' else quite as special as popping my neck out of place crawling under the sink, skinning my knuckles and making three trips to the Home Depot. Plus it's a good excuse to cuss up a storm. That being said, the counter top rocks...err, is rock.

Monday, July 5, 2010


We watched 4th of July fireworks from the University of Missouri's Memorial Stadium stands. Row 11, 50 yard line. Before the fireworks, we enjoyed the beautiful crooning of Hillary Scott and a couple great songs by the Hickman High School choir. The fireworks were set to music blasted over the football stadium's public address system. It's a fun way to celebrate USA's birthday. It was dark and I was wasn't sure of my iPhone camera settings. Below are either pictures of the fireworks or some galaxies far, far away.

Last tug

Mr. Bojangles and Mizuho had their last tug of war contest on Sunday morning. Mr. Bojangles always wins. He's that competitive. As I am writing this, Mizuho's plane is somewhere over Canada en route to home in Osaka. Thanks for four great months, Mizuho!


Ana Popovic rocked the Blue Note on Friday night. Oooooh! Oooo-ooh! Oo la la!

CO Capitol

Since we were in Denver for a conference, Mark and I stopped at the Colorado state capitol building. My bucket list includes visiting all 50 state capitol buildings. 15 to go. Colorado wasn't a new addition to my list, but I needed practice.