Below, Pat is fired up and ready to watch a secret (pre-premiere) screening of a movie. I'd tell you the movie, but then it wouldn't be a secret, would it? Goold's Gold! How in the world did you guess?

Claire took a study break to join us for the infamous March-March, which is the annual, ragtag-esque, quasi-improvisational True/False Film Fest parade. You don't need a float, tractor, fancy car, fire engine or costume to march in the March-March. You don't even have to be a queen, mayor or Shriner. Just show up with a smile, and get your march on.

Matt, Debi, Claire and Christy are giddy with anticipation as the parade is about to begin.

Where does the parade start? Where does it go? Who knows? Who cares? Join the parade. Follow the crowd. It's all fun.

Here is a snapshot of some March-March marchers marching.
This is a picture of the barnacles that decorate the walls of the Blue Note, which is one of the nine venues where the films are flicked. Claire was one of the 600 volunteers that helped make the festival a success. Among her duties was to make these barnacles to partially portray the air, wind and water theme.
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