And posed for photographs in the cool breeze.

Then they hiked down the mountain, hopped in their car and drove off on their merry way to Trento. They all lived happily ever after. The end.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The little castle
Once upon a time, there was a very old, very tiny castle perched high above the Adige River valley. Three sojourners from a land far away were driving north from Verona to a B & B in Trento on Autostrade Italia E45. The driver said, "Lookie there." The pretty young woman said, "Let's go there." So they went. The pretty woman in the back seat said, "Oooh, this road is very narrow and very step." The little Lancia Musa lugged and chugged, but finally they reached a parking lot. They got out, and hiked and hiked. Straight up the mountain, following a bubbling little stream. Finally they reached the little castle and it was closed for tours because it was late afternoon. From high on the mountain top, the sojourners peered across the magical valley to mountains on the other side of the Adige River.

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