San Michele Island as viewed from the ferry.
Back in Venice and wandering through a residential area looking for a restaurant frequented by locals, Claire suggested we follow a mature couple who popped out of a home (note the man with white hair near the center of the photo below and the woman to his right). With memories of a fabulous lunch of squid, calamari, mussels, shrimp and a couple types of white fish and pastas, we quickly convinced ourselves that the couple we were following would lead us to the Mecca of Venezian restaurants. We followed them for 15 minutes, winding through a labyrinth of streets and alleys, hanging back just far enough not to be conspicuous. American foodie spies in Venice. With every step our hunger and visions of fine local dining grew. Alas, the couple went to the harbor to watch the ships in the fading sunlight, and we slumped into a tourist-focused pizzeria to quiet our appetites.

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