The town square in Trento is ringed with very old buildings adorned with elaborate frescos.
We stayed in a B & B in the middle of a vineyard.
This is the winery that supplied the "breakfast juice" for the B & B. I discovered the best part of waking up is not Folgers in a cup ;-)
The view from our B & B in Trento.
We dined at Al Volt, purportedly the best restaurant for authentic Trento food, which is kind of a fusion of German and Italian. I ordered the barbecued pork shank. The little chef gave me the largest pork shank he could find, and came out of the kitchen to laugh at me three times, each time saying, "You eat little" in Italian. The waiter translated for us. He was an absurdly passionate Star Trek fan, and a former language student. His English was the best of all the people we met in Germany, Austria, Italy and France. The only time he has ever left Italy, he traveled to Los Angeles to attend a Star Trek convention.
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